I found this issue in a website and I thought it would be nice to share the info.
If you search “window.location = window.location.pathname” in Google, you will see some people are using this method for redirection purposes. This can make a website vulnerable to Open Redirect issue though. In fact, if there is any sensitive value in the URL, it can be sent to the attacker as well.
Quick reference: when you are in “http://sdl.me/something/file.ext?p=v#h=g” page, “window.location.pathname” in Javascript will return “/something/file.ext” as the value.
Now if you use this “pathname” value for redirection without having any validation, it can lead to Open-Redirect vulnerability. This happens when “pathname” starts with two slash characters “//” instead of a single slash character with a valid domain-name afterward. However, it is not easy to start the URL path with two slash characters and a domain-name and point to the vulnerable page at the same time!
Here is a vulnerable sample page: http://sdl.me/tips/js-location-pathname.html
It contains the following vulnerable JS code:
// window.location = window.location.pathname + '?Secrets=SecretValue1#MoreSecrets=SecretValue2!'; //
Now I like to redirect the user to my fake logger which is located at: www.secproject.com/demo/showmyinfo.php
First solution?
I was thinking to use directory traversal method to have my target domain in the URL and also point to the vulnerable page:
However, when I open this page in any browser, it strips out my logger URL before it sends the request to the server, and it becomes like this:
Note: It still keeps two slash characters, and this fails the redirection as http://tips/ is not available. This behaviour can be used as a detection technique for this issue though!
Anyway, this method does not work and I failed!
Second try:
My vulnerable page has been hosted in a Windows host with IIS. This means, there is no difference between a slash and a backslash and their encoded values in the path! As a result I found this solution to keep my logger URL and also open the target page:
However, this only works in Firefox and I have to use encoding for IE and Google Chrome:
Job done! Success!
Now I can redirect the user to my dangerous page and hijack the secrets in any browsers!
This issue is exploitable if the website with a vulnerable page
1- has been hosted in a Windows host with IIS!
2- has a URL-rewrite rule that still serve a page that contains the vulnerable JS.
3- has an error handling page (404 page?) that contains the vulnerable JS.